The rice pattern was originally produced by Yale and Towne of Stamford Connecticut around 1885. We collected the original antique hardware and remade the moulds. Casting is done in the original antique bronze using the same techniques used over 125 years ago. With time the bronze will acquire a statuary patina. Noteworthy is the detailing on the reverse side of the doorknobs and on each hinge reveal that shows when the door is closed. The backplates, 3” rosette sets, closet doorknobs and rosette sets are compatible with modern pre-bored doors. Hinges are made the traditional way with removable ball tipped pins and opposing ball finials that unscrew. Mortise locks, pocket door locks and even our modern entry mortise locks have matching rice designs on the lock fronts and strike plates. This series is compatible with tubular latches and traditional mortise locks.